Hawaiian Shirt Day?
Pastor Appreciation Day


To all who are spiritually weary and seek rest,
to all who mourn and long for comfort,
to all who struggle and desire victory,
to all who sin and need a Savior,
to all who are strangers and want fellowship,
to all who hunger and thirst after righteousness,
and to all who will come,
this church opens wide her doors
and offers welcome in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.


  • Church Fellowship Dinner

    We will be having a church-wide Fellowship Dinner

    following the morning service on Sunday, September 22nd.

    Begin making plans now to attend.  Details on the entree

    will follow in the days ahead but we are asking for the membership

    to bring sides of salads, vegetables, and desserts.  Hope to see

    everyone here for the food, fun, and fellowship.

  • Tennison-Hontz Wedding Invitation

    You are invited to the

    Wedding of

    Gabrielle Tennison & Samuel Hontz

    Saturday, September 14, 2024

    1219 8th St., Levelland, TX  79336

    The ceremony starts at 3 PM.  Reception to follow

    We are so excited for all of you to join in the



  • View Our Livestream

    View Livestream

    Worship with us live every Sunday at 10:40 am.